Our operations
Technology Minerals Plc is a London-based mineral exploration company focused on the exploration of mineral resource projects in Ireland (Li project), Spain (Cu-Co-Ni project), Cameroon (Ni-Co project), and two in the USA (Cu-Co and Co projects, respectively).

Blackbird Property, Idaho
Technology Minerals Limited signed a Letter of Intent in March 2021 with DG Resource Management Ltd, to acquire 100% interest in the Blackbird Creek Property, which is situated in the Idaho Cobalt Belt (ICB), a 40–50km long metallogenic district, characterized by cobalt-copper deposits.
The ICB is hosted in the Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup (1,470 Ma and 1,370 Ma), sandwiched between later Proterozoic (1,370 Ma) quartz monzonitic intrusions. The Belt Supergroup was deposited in a large rift basin - likely as large submarine fan complexes or deltas that were frequently submerged by continuing subsidence within the basin. The Belt Supergroup runs from southern Montana to northern Canada with varying rock type and formation nomenclature depending upon location. Within the Property, the Belt Supergroup is characterized by two major units, the Lemhi Group (Inyo Creek, West Fork, Big Creek, Apple Creek, and Gunsight formations) and the Swauger Quartzite.

The Blackbird Creek Property is located in the Blackbird Mining District, Lemhi County, Idaho approximately 35km west-southwest of Salmon, Idaho. The best access to the Property is via helicopter. The Property can also be accessed via a well-maintained network of dirt roads that branch off due west from Highway 93, however, roads on the Property are limited. Numerous prospects with cobalt and copper mineralization have been identified, including the Ludwig, Patty B, Anderson West, Anderson, Edith B, Raven, Slippery Gulch and Copper Hill (also known as Blackbird Creek South and West Fork Cobalt prospects). The primary exploration targets on the Property are the Apple Creek Formation tourmaline breccias, just like those of the historical Noranda Blackbird Mine, Jervois Idaho Cobalt Operation and First Cobalt’s Iron Creek Project.
Types of Co-Cu-Au Occurrences:
• Type 1: Cobalt-copper-arsenic-rich deposits of the Blackbird Mine type. Generally, these contain approximately equal amounts of cobalt and copper, with varying amounts of gold and pyrite. Dominant minerals include cobaltite and chalcopyrite. The cobaltite accounts for nearly all the arsenic content within these occurrences. This syngenetic and strata-bound mineralization is associated with mafic sequences, and deposits are typically in tabular form.
• Type 2: Cobaltiferous pyrite-magnetite deposits with variable chalcopyrite and low arsenic content. These occurrences are typically hosted by fine-grained metasediments from the lower unit of the Apple Creek Formation. Mineralization is strata-bound, and locally is stratiform and found within syn-sedimentary soft sediment structures.
• Type 3: Cobaltiferous tourmaline-cemented breccias. These breccias are common in the lower unit of the Apple Creek Formation, and typically host cobaltite. These breccias are oriented roughly perpendicular to stratigraphy and occur as hard, dense, black vein-type pods and lenses. Contacts with the breccia are fluidized and display prominent foliation parallel to the breccia contact (Hahn, 1980). Such mineralization occurs at the Ludwig and Slippery Gulch prospects.
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