Our operations
Technology Minerals Plc is a London-based mineral exploration company focused on the exploration of mineral resource projects in Ireland (Li project), Spain (Cu-Co-Ni project), Cameroon (Ni-Co project), and two in the USA (Cu-Co and Co projects, respectively).

Leinster Property, Ireland
The Leinster Property consists of fifteen prospecting licences, covering an area of approximately 477km², located in the counties of Wicklow and Dublin in the Republic of Ireland. All of the licences are held by LRH Resources Ltd - a wholly-owned subsidiary of Technology Minerals - and the property is currently part of an earn-in agreement through a joint venture with Global Battery Metals (TSXV: GBML).
The property is underlain by a series of late Silurian – early Devonian granites, which have intruded Lower Paleozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The emplacement of the granites resulted in the formation of pegmatite dykes that are often enriched in spodumene (lithium pyroxene). Prior to LRH acquiring the licences, exploration for lithium had only taken place in similar rocks to the south of the property, where previous workers had identified nineteen lithium prospects.

Previously, exploration on the property was focused on gold and base metals, but government geochemical surveys performed by the Geological Survey of Ireland indicated elevated lithium in stream sediments. Since acquiring the property in 2018, LRH (Ireland) have performed geochemical and geophysical surveys, and have identified spodumene pegmatite boulders and lithium enriched aplite boulders at several locations. Discoveries at Aghanvannagh (1.78% Li2O), Sorrel (1.65% and 0.65 % Li2O), and Tonygarrow (1.00% Li2O) indicate a likely local bedrock source is present, and drilling is warranted. Based on initial field studies, the property is considered prospective for lithium-bearing pegmatites.
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